Color pictures of serial killers
Color pictures of serial killers

Having long ago earned it’s keep, the car is now on display 24 hours a day for free. It would be difficult to estimate how much money the car has made over it’s long career. The car was bought by several different casinos around the country. It’s doors have been tied shut and the car is displayed behind panels of glass, making snapshots difficult. The blood spattered, bullet-ridden car was an instant attraction, touring carnivals, amusement parks, and state fairs for 30 years. The 1934 Ford V-8 convertible sedan that notorious bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde were shot in is one of America’s original “death cars.” In early 1934 they drove around the Midwest, robbing, pulling off heists, and killing at least nine police officers, but we’re finally stopped when Louisiana police put 130 bullets into their car.

color pictures of serial killers

So teach yourself the types of rides to avoid by familiarizing yourself with the serial killer vehicles in this list.

color pictures of serial killers

These serial killer cars often become crime scenes themselves, and serve as mobile murder enablers. Sometimes when a killer attains worldwide notoriety, so do does their car. Many serial killers become famous for the sheer horror of their crimes or because of the number of people they’ve killed.

Color pictures of serial killers